Zoya Edyta

I have to admit I don’t own alot of Zoyas because they’re so hard to find in Singapore! Also even if I could find them online, they are too overpriced!!

So this is my last Zoya that I’ve not swatched but I think I’m gonna redo the others that I did because my photo taking skills a few months back was really horrible. (just click on the ‘Zoya’ tag to view)


Zoya Edyta is a shimmery foil-like olive green and packed with golden shimmer! I don’t know why it looks so gunmetal grey in my photos but it’s actually olive green!

I still can’t pronounce Edyta… I can’t imagine someone naming their kid that. Since Zoya polishes are all names for females.


I love Seche Vite but sometimes have a love-hate relationship with it. Today is hate… Just because it shrank my mani 😦 look at all my nail tips!!! I’ve no idea how to solve this problem, is it because I slapped on Seche without letting the polish dry awhile more? I seem to only have problems with some polishes… And it’s mostly Zoya! I guess I should use other top coats in future.


I’m sorry I forgot all about Pink Wednesday so I’ll make it up by doing a pink mani tomorrow! :/ I’m feel so bad omg

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